三维地形景观软件QuadSpinner Gaea Enterprise Win

作者 : 大崔 本文共744个字,预计阅读时间需要2分钟 发布时间: 2023-04-19 共566人阅读


Gaea takes terrain design toe-to-toe with the rest of the CG landscape. Designed with artists and their vision in mind, Gaea brings together advanced toolsets in an easy-to-use package where you can get Hollywood quality results in minutes.Gaea’s myriad workflow conveniences were painstakingly designed to maximize your productivity, and save you time and aggravation.Gaea provides a wide range of procedural and hand-sculpting tools to help you rapidly realize your vision. Instead of dealing with fractals and functions, you can work directly with primitives, such as mountains and valleys, to put together an entire world in moments.


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